Christmas Mini Sessions

My most popular Mini Session. I love that you guys love Christmas as much as I do. Start your family tradition this year and join me for a Christmas session. So many of my lovely families return year after year and it is a privilege to watch your little ones grow through the years.

Elf Package


Rudolph Package


Santa Package


Frequently Asked Questions

I hold most of my Christmas minis on a weekend in early November to ensure that all of your images are back to you for the beginning of December, as a lot of people use them for Christmas cards. Any other Christmas minis booked in are done so to allow enough time to get your images back in time for Christmas and to use for Christmas presents.

Absolutely not, a lot of my families ask me not to share their images and I certainly will not be spoiling any lovely Christmas presents you have in mind. Christmas images make the perfect presents for family, and I love that you use them for that.

Whatever you want. Some people do matching pyjamas, some people prefer Christmas jumpers. I’ve had people come in smart outfits. I also have Christmas hats and lots of fun Christmas props.

Lets get our Christmas on

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